I'm so glad you're here! Welcome to your new style journey...

WEAR JOY WRITINGS: Style, Self-Love, and Confidence Blog

How to make your wardrobe 10x bigger for free...

How to make your wardrobe 10x bigger for free...

DRUMROLLLLL… here is one of my BIGGEST style and fashion tips. This will help you feel like you have 10x your wardrobe and I’m so excited to share this with you. Are you ready?

MAKE A PINTEREST BOARD. I have a Pinterest board titled “Inspiring Daily Style” where I pin any outfits I like, this helps me use my closet to their full potential and creates new outfits in my closet. Most likely you are not using your clothes to their full potential, and here I'll show you how

Give up on trying to be perfect...

Give up on trying to be perfect...

When we try to be perfect that means we are constantly measuring ourselves up to other people and comparison is the death of joy. This quote changed my life because it the practice of looking inward instead of outward for joy.

Another reminder of how important GRATITUDE is when finding better style...

Another reminder of how important GRATITUDE is when finding better style...

Continuing on our GRATITUDE journey - Take this step to get better style. A huge fashion hack I use. Our first step to get right is how we treat our clothing. Once we realize that each and every piece is a gift in our life, not something that is disposable, we will treat them with kindness and gratitude.

How GRATITUDE will help you get better style

How GRATITUDE will help you get better style

GRATITUDE - Take this step to get better style. A huge fashion hack I use. Our first step to get right is how we treat our clothing. Once we realize that each and every piece is a gift in our life, not something that is disposable, we will treat them with kindness and gratitude.

How taking fashion not too seriously will help you find your style...

How taking fashion not too seriously will help you find your style...

Want to get better style? Follow my fashion tips. First, never take fashion too seriously. You will hear me repeat that over and over and take the time to repeat it to yourself: Never take fashion too seriously. Read on to find out more.