How GRATITUDE will help you get better style
Our first step to get right is how we treat our clothing. Once we realize that each and every piece is a gift in our life, not something that is disposable, we will treat them with kindness and gratitude.
Every morning for the next week, when you walk to your closet take a moment and say “Thank you closet”. If you are ballsy enough, say it out load… if thats not your jam give it a nod of gratitude. Take a moment to say or think things like this:
•Thank you for choosing me.
•Thank you for being on this journey with me.
•Thank you for clothing me.
•Thank you for providing MORE THAN ENOUGH clothes for me to wear.
•Thank you for protecting me, adorning me, and being there for me.
Whether we realized or not, we each specifically chose our clothes to be on our journey with us and it’s important to take the time to honor that. Instead of looking at our clothes as possessions, look at them as a gift in your life and treat it as so… with kindness.
Our first step to get right is how we treat our clothing. Once we realize that each and every piece is a gift in our life, not something that is disposable, we will treat them with kindness and gratitude.
Every morning for the next week, when you walk to your closet take a moment and say “Thank you closet”. If you are ballsy enough, say it out load… if thats not your jam give it a nod of gratitude. Take a moment to say or think things like this:
•Thank you for choosing me.
•Thank you for being on this journey with me.
•Thank you for clothing me.
•Thank you for providing MORE THAN ENOUGH clothes for me to wear.
•Thank you for protecting me, adorning me, and being there for me.
Whether we realized or not, we each specifically chose our clothes to be on our journey with us and it’s important to take the time to honor that. Instead of looking at our clothes as possessions, look at them as a gift in your life and treat it as so… with kindness.
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